Plan Your Retirement Smartly
Can I Setup a Fixed Index Annuity that has:
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In football, SPRINTS are an important segment of conditioning. We use this same acronym S.P.R.I.N.T.S. to educate Baby Boomers about Fixed Index annuities:
S= Safety.
No one has ever lost a penny using a fixed index annuity.
P=Probate avoidance.
Proceeds go to loved ones without the cost of probate.
R=Rate of return.
Interest credits are competitive for a risk-free product.
I=Income for life.
Receive a paycheck that you cannot outlive.
N=No fees or administration costs.
100% of your funds go to work for you, day 1.
T=Tax advantages.
No taxes are due until there is a withdrawal.
S=Social Security taxation is based on income.
You control the income!